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Kennedy Technology LLC Fulfillment and Refund Policy

1. Overview

This policy outlines the fulfillment and refund processes for Kennedy Technology LLC, a software development firm committed to clear, transparent, and client-focused practices.

2. Contractual Fulfillment

Upon signing a contract, clients of Kennedy Technology LLC will receive a detailed project plan, including milestones, timelines, and deliverables. Regular updates will be provided to the client at each stage of the project. Final software delivery will occur upon completion of the project, as per the agreed specifications in the contract.

3. Refund Policy

Kennedy Technology LLC implements a structured refund policy to handle disputes or dissatisfaction: In the event of project cancellation by the client, work completed until the cancellation notice will be billed. The remaining balance will be refunded. If Kennedy Technology LLC fails to deliver the project as per the agreed terms, the client is entitled to a refund for the undelivered portion of the project. Refunds will be processed within 30 days of the refund request approval.

4. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes related to project fulfillment or refunds should be addressed to Kennedy Technology LLC’s contact information. We aim to resolve disputes amicably through internal review and, if necessary, mediation. All dispute resolutions will be conducted in accordance with the terms of the contract and applicable laws.

5. Billing and Payment Security

Kennedy Technology LLC ensures that all transactions adhere to transparent billing practices and secure handling of client payment information, maintaining confidentiality and integrity.

6. Contact Information

For any queries related to fulfillment, refunds, or billing, please contact Kennedy Technology LLC at

7. Policy Amendments

Kennedy Technology LLC reserves the right to modify this policy. Any changes will be communicated to our clients in a timely manner.